
The Beit Midrash for Judaism and Humanity

Ideas are the underlying infrastructure of human deeds. Hence, if we wish to impact human and societal behavior in the long run, we should aim at impacting the world of ideas. Religious beliefs, thought, and tradition are all key in this context. Our goal is to propel a paradigm shift anchored in the core ideas that motivate people to act throough original research and ideas. We call this Resourcing. We are not reforming our religious principles to align with external values, nor do we encourage or expect our non-Jewish partners to do so. Instead, we intend to bring forward new and creative thinking rooted in our traditional sources and create the intellectual infrastructure for a paradigm shift. 

Our Beit Midrash for Israel and Humanity (BMJH) is the main vehicle for this effort. This think tank of prominent rabbis and academics is the production floor for the ideas that infuse our interfaith work, field-building efforts, and connections with other faith leaders. The BMJH includes 6-8 fellows annually, meeting for five hours weekly. Together, they study Jewish perceptions on other religions as well as the core ideas of other faiths – while looking for potential bridges for reconciliation. Members of the BMJH are also the best-trained and well-equipped (intellectually) human resource at the Interfaith Center’s disposal, representing us on various local, national, and international stages. 

In 2022, the BMJH published its first book in Hebrew: God Shall Be One: Healing Judaism’s Relations with World Religions. An English version will be published in 2024. Forthcomingin both Hebrew and English, is: And They Shall Live With You: A New Perspective on Minorities in a Jewish State” (see below). Additional planned publications include Healing Jewish-Muslim RelationsAbrahamic Religions and the Prophetic Vision, an interfaith guide for diplomats, and a review of Muslim-Jewish Encounters. The BMJH also supports the Intrfaith Center’s secondary publications and social media activity. 

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