Can religion shift from being a source of conflict in the Middle East to part of the solution?
At the Ohr Torah Interfaith Center, we believe that Islam and Judaism can move beyond competing narratives and embrace their shared heritage as complementary parts of a common story.
While many interfaith efforts have focused on Islam and Christianity, the Jewish-Muslim encounter has been largely overlooked. We aim to fill that gap by fostering a profound respect between the two faiths, recognizing the value and legitimacy of each other's religious identity.
Our work highlights the deep family connection between Jews and Muslims through our shared Patriarch, Abraham, and sees this bond as an opportunity for fraternity, not rivalry. For this respect to be meaningful, it must be mutual, and we are committed to developing theological frameworks that honor both religions.
We seek to expand our longstanding network with Muslim religious leaders, working together to fulfill our shared duty to God by promoting mutual recognition and unity.
The first step is our monograph: A Jewish-Muslim Fraternity. In it, we offer a theological road map for such a process, which should also include the fields of education and the media in order to foster a paradigm shift in our communities in the future.
We invite you to take part in this process and deepen our dialogue. To join our network, reach out to us at: [email protected]
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